Welcome to the La Grange Project Licensing Web Site

The La Grange diversion dam is a masonry-gravity diversion dam on the Tuolumne River near La Grange, California, which allows for the diversion of water from the Tuolumne River to the TID and MID water supply canal systems. The diversion dam was completed in 1893 and the power plant was installed in 1923. While the La Grange diversion dam is co-owned by TID and MID, the power plant is owned and operated by TID.
On December 19, 2012 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued an order finding that the licensing of the La Grange Hydroelectric Project was required. The Districts are in the process of licensing La Grange using FERC’s Integrated Licensing Process (ILP). Licensing is an intricate and lengthy undertaking over multiple years and the process has been open to public participation.
Communications with FERC
Documents filed or issued are available for viewing on FERC’s E-Library, at www.FERC.gov, docket P-14581. FERC prefers electronic filing of documents. Those without internet access may submit hard copies of letters and documents via USPS to:
Debbie-Anne Reese, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE
Washington DC 20426
Communications with the Districts
Modesto Irrigation District
Melissa Williams
P.O. Box 4060
Modesto, CA 95352
(209) 526-7390
Turlock Irrigation District
Josh Weimer
P.O. Box 949
Turlock, CA 95381
(209) 883-8361